bation and consent of their parents or guardians to
attend; nor shall any preference be given in the
choice of a President, Master, Tutor or Teacher in
the said College, on account of his or her particular
religious profession; but regard shall be had solely
to his or her moral character, literary abilities, and
other necessary qualifications, to fill the place for
which he or she shall be chosen.
New election
Second. When any of the trustees named or
chosen shall die, resign or decline serving, a quorum
of trustees, duly assembled at their annual meet-
ing, shall proceed by a new election to fill up
the place of such deceased or resigned member; or
in case any of the trustees named or chosen shall
Neglect the proper duties of a trustee, a quorum of
trustees as before provided, may declare a vacancy
in such case, and the Board shall, in such event,
proceed by a new election to fill the same ; provided,
that twelve members of the number of such trustees
as are hereby created and hereinafter named, shall
always be chosen from among the members of the
Maryland Annual Conference of the Methodist
Protestant Church, and twelve from Carroll county,
SEC. 2. And. be it enacted, That section fourth, of
Repealed and
chapter three hundred and seven, passed January
session, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, be re-
pealed and re-enacted to read as follows :
Receive dona-
Fourth. The said trustees may receive donations
or subscriptions, and appoint proper persons for re-
ceiving the same, to an amount not exceeding fifty
thousand dollars, for the purpose of erecting or pur-
chasing the necessary buildings, and carrying into
effect the objects of this institution ; and they shall
have power to issue certificates of indebtedness, not
exceeding twenty thousand dollars, and secure the
same by mortgage on the property of said corpora-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever in the
act afore-mentioned, passed January session, eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, chapter three hundred and
seven, entitled an act for incorporating the Western
Maryland College, the terms Principal and Vice-