dollars, payable not more than thirty years after
date, with six per centum interest, payable annually ;
which said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, at-
tested by the corporate seal, and countersigned by
the Treasurer of said board ; and said coupons, after
the maturity of the same, shall be receivable in pay-
Receivable for
ment of all taxes and dues by said town ; and the
said Mayor and Couucilmen are hereby authorized
and required to levy and collect annually, a special
tax over and above the ordinary taxes of said town
now levied and collected, of not more than thirty
cents on every one hundred dollars of the assessable
property in said town, for the payment of the inter-
est on the said bonds, and the creation of a special
and distinct sinking fund, for the liquidation and
Sinking fund.
redemption of said bonds ; and that the money thus
raised shall be set apart and known as the water-
works' fund, and shall be applied by said Board of
Supervisors, or Mayor and Councilmen, to the pay-
ment of the principal and interest of said bonds as
aforesaid, and to no other purpose whatsoever.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said bonds
shall be issued to mature at such dates as shall not
require the payment in any one year of more than
two thousand dollars of the principal sum thereof.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the revenues and
rents derived from said water-works, after payment
Revenues and
of expenses incidental to the proper management
and repairs of said works, shall form part and parcel
of the aforesaid sinking fund, for the liquidation and
redemption of said bonds.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said bonds be,
and they are hereby constituted, a full and legal lien
Legal lien
upon said water-works, for the full and just payment
and liquidation of the said bonds as aforesaid.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said Board of
Supervisors, be, and they are hereby restrained from
from selling
selling or in any way disposing of any bond or bonds,
for any sum or consideration less than nine-tenths of
its par value.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said Fire Com-
missioners shall receive as their compensation for