the eight section of the first article of the Constitution
of the United States, and with the acts of Congress
in such cases made and provided.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That with respect to
land covered by the navigable waters within the
limits of the State, and on which a light-house, bea-
con or other aids to navigation has been built, or is
about to be built, the Governor of the State, on appli-
cation of an authorized agent of the United States,
setting forth a description of the site required, is au-
thorized and empowered to convey the title to the
United States, and to cede jurisdiction over the same ;
provided no single tract shall contain more than five
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the lots, parcels, or
tracts of land so ceded to the United States, together
Exempt from
with the tenements and appurtenances for the pur-
pose before mentioned, shall be held exempt from
taxation by the State of Maryland.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this State shall re-
tain concurrent jurisdiction with the United States
in and over the tracts of land aforesaid, so that crim-
inal and civil processes, issued under the authority of
the State by any officer thereof, may be executed on
said lands and in the buildings that may be erected
thereon , in the same way and manner as if jurisdiction
had not been ceded; and exclusive jurisdiction shall
revert to and revest in this State whenever the said
tract of land shall permanently cease to be used and oc-
Revert and
cupied by the United States for any of the purposes
heretofore enumerated.
Approved, April 6th, 1874.