town, are hereby authorized and empowered to build
a lockup or jail in said town, for the purpose of con-
fining therein such persons as they may be author-
ized to commit thereto, by the laws of this State or
by the ordinances of said town.
SEC. 2. A?id be it enacted, That the County Com-
To make levy
missioners of Worcester county, be, and they are
hereby authorized in their discretion, to levy the sum
of one hundred and fifty dollars, upon the assessable
property of said county, and to pay the same to the
Town Commissioners of Newtown, to be used in the
erection of the lockup or jail to be erected in accord-
ance with the provisions of this act.
Approved, April 2d, 1874.
AN ACT to add an additional sub-section to section
sixty- nine, of article twelve, of the Code of Public
Local Laws, relating to Harford county, and the
town of Havre-de-Grace.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That an additional sub-section be added
to section sixty-nine, of article twelve, of the Code of
sub- section
Public Local Laws, relating to Harford county and
the town of Havre-de-Grace, under the sub-title
Havrc-de-Grace, and to read as follows:
SUB-SECTION 6. The said commissioners shall have
power to lease or rent for a term of years, not ex-
ceeding ten years, the bed or beds of any street or
Power to lease
streets, or parts of streets, in the unimproved por-
or rent
tions of said town of Havre-de-Grace, to the owners
of property lying adjacent to the said bed or beds of
said streets ; provided, that no lease shall be granted
to the bed of any of said streets whereby the rights
are interfered with of any person owning property
on any of said streets, nor shall the bed of any of the
said streets be leased by which convenient access