railroad, thence by a straight line to John W. Luca-
baugh's Mill, thence east to Cranberry Run, then
running with the said stream to where it crosses the
line of division between Westminster district num-
Meets and
ber seven and Manchester district number six; and
by mills
all that part of said Westminster district number
seven, lying south and east of said division line as
above indicated, shall be known as " precinct number
one," and the voting place shall be the court-house;
and all that part of said district number seven, lying
north and west of said Hue, shall be known as " pre-
cinct number two," and the voting place shall be
some suitable place selected by the County Com-
missioners, within the limits of the corporation of
the City of Westminster, and of precinct number
3. It shall be the duty of the officer of registration
in the said district of Westminster number seven,
Duty of regis-
prior to the next election in said district, to register
all the voters in said district in the mode and manner
required by the Registry Laws of the State of Mary-
land, at the time of such registration, and shall
prepare separate lists of voters according to the
sub-division of the said districts into precincts, as
hereinbefore provided, designating the election pre-
cincts of the districts in which the voters are or shall
be respectively entitled to vote, and deliver the same
according to law.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of its passage.
. Approved, April 2d, 1874.