cash ; that the proceeds of said sale to the payment
of the fine imposed and costs, including a fee of ten
dollars to the officer arresting the offender for a
violation of the provisions of this act, or seizing the
gun, net, fire-light or boat, used or employed in
violating any of the provisions of this act.
But it is further enacted, That when any gun,
Proceeds of sale
net, fire-light or boat has been condemned under the
provisions of the eighth section of this act, the pro-
ceeds of the sale thereof shall be applied to the
payment of the costs, including a fee of ten dollars
to the officer making the seizure, and the balance to
be paid, one-half to the informer, and the other half
to the County Commissioners of Worcester county.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That any party or par-
ties, against whom any justice of the peace may
render a judgment under this article, either to pay
a fine or condemnation of property, may at any time
within ten days from the rendition of such judgment,
appeal from such judgment to the Circuit Court for
Worcester county, but no execution or sale shall be
stayed, unless the party appealing shall give bond
with security to the State of Maryland, in double the
value of the property condemned, or of the fine im-
posed, as the case may be ; said security or securities
to be resident or residents of Worcester county, and
shall swear or affirm that he or they are worth dou-
ble the amount of the property condemned, and
becomes security for the same, with condition to
prosecute such appeal with effect, and to pay the
value of the property condemned and fine imposed,
and all costs attending such proceedings in case such
judgment shall be confirmed.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the several justices
of the peace and Clerk of the Circuit Court for Wor-
Required to
cester county be, and they are hereby authorized and
pay over.
required to pay to the Board of County Commis-
sioners of Worcester county, every three months,
all the money or moneys they may have in hand at
such time, arising from fines, penalties or forfeitures
imposed under this act.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That when two or more
persons are or have been engaged in violating any