against the person or persons so convicted, but on
payment by the said person or persons so convicted
of the fine imposed, and all costs and jail expenses,
if the person or persons so convicted be confined in
the county jail, the gun, net, fire-light or boat shall
be released; provided, that the fine, costs and jail
expenses be paid before the sale of the gun, net,
fire-light or boat, under the provisions of this act.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
Duty of Sheriff
or Constable
of the, sheriff, or any constable of Worcester county,
with or without warrant, to seize and take into cus-
tody, any gun, net, fire-light or boat, which has been
used by any person or persons in violating any of
the provisions of this act, and give information of
said seizure to some justice of the peace of Worces-
ter county ; and it shall be the duty of said justice of
the peace to docket a case in the name of the State,
against the said gun, net, fire-light or boat, and to
proceed without delay with the trial of the same, and
if there is sufficient proof that said gun, net, fire-
light or boat, has been used or employed in violating
any of the provisions of this act, the said justice of
the peace shall either render a judgment of con-
demnation against the said gun, net, fire-light or
boat, or fine the said gun, net, fire-light or boat not
less than ten dollars, one-half of said fine to be paid
to the informer: provided, that, if said gun, net,
fire-light or boat, shall have been sold to a bona fide
purchaser thereof since the same has been used in
violating any of the provisions of this act, the said
fun, net, fife-light or boat shall neither be con-
emned nor fined.
And it is further enacted, That the provisions
Not to apply
of this section shall not apply to any case where the
person or persons using the said gun, net, fire-light
or boat have been arrested.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That all guns, nets, fire-
and sold
lights or boats, with the tackle and furniture on
board, condemned under the provisions of this act,
shall be sold by the sheriff, or some constable of
Worcester county, at public sale, after giving twenty
days notice of the time and place of such sale, by
advertisements, posted in at least two public places
in the vicinity of said sale, to the highest bidder for