medicinal or sacramental purposes are licensed to be
sold, and the name or names in full of the person or
persons, firm or company obtainingthe same, together
with the names of the parties recommending the
issuing of said license; and every person or persons,
firm or company so licensed, who shall sell directly
or indirectly, or give away such liquors in any other
place, town, village or election district, or in any
other building or locality other than the one named
and described in said license, without an application
to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and on endorse-
ment and entry by him on said license, describing
the particular building and locality, village, town
and election district to which the removal is desired
to be made, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and on conviction be subject to a fine for each and
every offence of not more than two hundred dollars,
nor less than one hundred dollars in the discretion
of the court.
SEC. 174. And be it enacted, That no patent med-
icines, bitters, schnapps or other preparations.
Not to sell.
chemical or medicinal, containing spirituous or fer-
mented liquors as an ingredient, shall be sold within
the limits of this county by any one except a licensed
druggist, and any other person or persons, firm or
company selling any of said preparations, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic-
tion shall be liable for each and every offence to the
same fine as is imposed in the fourth section of this
act upon persons selling without license.
SEC. 175. That all licensed druggists shall, at the
time of obtaining their license, be furnished by the
To be furnish-
ed copy of law.
Clerk of the Circuit Court, with a copy of this law,
which they shall keep, together with their license
containing the name of the persons recommending
the granting of the same, suitably framed and hung
up in some conspicious part of their place of business,
where the said liquors for medicinal or sacramental
purposes are sold, where the same may be plainly
seen and read.
SEC. 176. And be it enacted, That upon the ap-
New article
proval of this act by a majority of the qualified and
registered voters of Worcester county, at said special
elections, that then a new article shall be added to