employees under him, shall sell directly or indirectly
or give away at any time or in any way or manner,
at the place of business of said druggist, any spirituous
or fermented liquors to a minor, insaue person, or
to any person at the time intoxicated, the said
licensed druggist, clerk, servant or employee so doing
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof, shall pay a fine of not less than
fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for
every such offence, in the discretion of the court;
and in case a licensed druggist shall be convicted a
second time for a violation of the provisions of this
Second time
act, he shall, in addition to the payment of the fine
above prescribed, forfeit his license and be forever
after incapable of obtaining a license under this act;
and no person or persons, firm or company so
licensed shall sell directly or indirectly, or give away
at his, her or their place of business, any spirituous
or fermented liquors for any purpose on the Lord's
day, commonly called Sunday, except in cases of im-
mediate danger to the life of any sick invalid or
wounded person, upon the written recommendation
of the physician in actual attendance upon such
person, which said written recommendation shall
specify the person for whose use it is required, and
shall be preserved and kept on tile by said druggist,
who may be required on any legal examination
under the provisions of this law, upon two days
notice to produce the same, and a failure so to do
shall be presumtive evidence that he has no such
written recommendation, and upon conviction there-
of he, she or they shall be subject to a fine as above
imposed in this section.
License fee.
SEC. 172. And be it enacted, That every druggist
so licensed, shall pay to the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of the county, the sum of twenty-five dollars
for every license issued under this act, and the
moneys received for the same shall be paid over to
the Treasurer of the State.
To specify
SEC. 173. And be it enacted, That all licences issued
under this act, shall specify distinctly on their face
the town, village, election district as well as the par-
ticular building and its locality within said town,
village or election district where such liquors for