liquors within the limits of Worcester county, or for
any license to be issued or granted for the sale of
the same, except for medecinal or sacramental pur-
poses as provided for in this act.
SEC. 169. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons, firm or company, shall sell directly or in-
directly at any place, or give away at his, her or their
place of business, any spirituous or fermented liquors
after the first day of May next, without a license
under this act, he, she or they shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof
in any of the courts of this State, shall be fined for
each and every offence not more than two hundred
dollars nor less than one hundred dollars, in the
discretion of the court where such convictions shall
take place.
SEC. 170. And be it enacted. That the Judges of
the Circuit Court for Worcester county, or the Clerk
Authorised to
Leslie license.
thereof, are hereby authorized, upon the approval of
this law, by a majority of the qualified and registered
voters of said county, to grant or cause to be issued
license from and after the first day of May next, only
to resident druggists of said county, who shall file in
said court a written petition over their signatures,
stating the same to be an application for the sale of
spirituous or fermented liquors, to be used only for
medicinal or sacramental purposes as provided for
in this act, which said petition shall have an affidavit
as to the truth of the matter stated therein, and shall
be accompanied by the written recommendation of
twenty-five substantial freeholders of their respective
election districts, certifying that the applicants for
said license are known to them to be regular duggist-
men of good moral character, and that they believe
said license are intended to be used for the legitimate
purpose of trade, as restricted under the provisions
of this act; which said papers shall be filed and
recorded by the clerk, in a separate book to be kept
specially and exclusively for all entries to be made
in reference thereto; provided, that such license
shall not authorize any druggist to sell in quantities
more than one pint.
SEC. 171. And be it enacted, That if any regular
druggist so licensed, or any of his clerks, servants or