ble as a director who is not the bona fide owner of at
least twenty shares of the capital stock of the bank,
and who is not also a male citizen of this State ; and
the functions of any director, as such, shall expire
whenever he shall cease to be the bona fide owner of
twenty shares of stock as aforesaid.
Election for
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the election of di-
rectors of the said bank shall be held annually at
the bank, on the first Monday in September, and
the Board of Directors shall give at least ten days
notice, in two or more daily newspapers, published
in Baltimore city ; and the stockholders of the said
bank may vote either in person or by proxy ; every
election shall be by ballot and the plurality of votes
Elect President
thus cast shall be necessary for a choice. The direc-
tors shall elect a President from their own body
annually, and shall make such by-laws, rules, and
regulations, as may be necessary for the prosecution
of the business of the bank ; in case it should at any
time happen that an election of Directors of said bank
should not be made so as to take effect on any day
when, in pursuance of the law the same should take
effect, the corporation shall not for that cause be
deemed to be dissolved, but it shall be lawful at any
time within thirty days thereafter, to make such an
election in such manner as shall be directed and
provided for by the ordinance of the bank ; and in
case of the death, resignation, removal out of the
State, or any other disqualification of any director,
or of the President of said bank, the vacancy therein
occasioned, may he filled by the directors for the
time being, electing a director or appointing a Pres-
ident, as the case may be, for the balance of the time.
Rules and
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the following rules,
regulations, restrictions, limitations, and provisions
shall form and be part of this charter :
A. Every stockholder shall be entitled to one vote
for every share which he, she, it, or they may hold.
Not eligible
B. No director of this corporation shall be at the
the same time a director of any other bank in this