C. The Treasurer of the State shall be furnished
Furnish state-
with statements of the amount of the capital stock
ment of capital
of the corporation and of the debts to and from
the same, specifying those due to and from other
banks, of the moneys deposited therein, of the notes
in circulation, of the cash on hand, amount of coin
and of notes of other banks, of the value of the real
estate held by the corporation, and of the amount
and value of public or other stocks owned by the
corporation; said statements to be furnished once in
each year and to show the condition of the corpora-
tion in the said particulars as they may appear at the
close of the business transactions of the day in settle-
ment thereof, on the first Monday in January; and
the said corporation shall publish said statement, so
made to the Treasurer, in at least one of the daily
newspapers published in the city of Baltimore, said
statement in all cases to be verified by the oath or
affirmation of the President or Cashier of the cor-
D. The issues or notes, usually denominated bank
Issue notes
notes, which it shall be lawful for this corporation
to issue, shall not at any time exceed the amount of
its capital stock actually paid in, and no notes shall
be issued of a less amount or denomination than five
dollars, nor of any amount intermediate between
five and ten dollars; and the General Assembly may
at any time restrict the issue of such notes both in
the amount which may be issued and in the denom-
ination of notes, but this section shall not be con-
strued as compulsory on the corporation to issue
such bank notes if the Board of Directors should at
any time deem it inadvisable.
E. The President, each Director, and Cashier, be-
Take oath.
fore entering upon the duties of his office, shall take
the following oath or affirmation, as the case may
be : "I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will faith-
fully, impartially, diligently and honestly, execute
the duties of ———— agreeably to the provisions of the
law and the trust reposed in me, to the best of my
skill and judgment;" said oath or affirmation to be
taken before any magistrate, or any other person
having authority, under the laws of the State, to ad-
minister oaths, and to be made in writing, signed by
the affiant and filed among the archives of the bank.