to be first elected shall serve for the period of two
years from the first Monday of April next, and the
Trustees to be thereafter elected shall serve from
the end of said term, and so on thereafter at the end
of two years they shall be elected, and that they shall
serve until a new election ; and that in case of any
vacancy in any Board of Trustees, the remaining
acting Trustees may fill up the same until the next
stated election ; and whereas, ever since the adoption
of said amendments the said Central Presbyterian
Church has been acting thereunder, and has been
electing biennially and at the time therein specified,
the number of Trustees for the management of its
temporal concerns as fixed by said amendments ; and
whereas it has been recently discovered that through
inadvertance, the said amendments have never been
recorded as required by law, therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Itccord amend-
Maryland, That the Clerk of the Superior Court of
Baltimore city be, and he is hereby, authorized and
directed upon payment to him of the fees allowed
by law, for services of a like nature pertaining to his
office, to record among the charter records of said
city, the above recited amendments to the original
plan, agreement or regulation for the incorporation
of the said Cenjtral Presbyterian Church of the City
of Baltimore, being the same amendments which
were adopted by said church, at the congregational
meeting held on the fifth day of May, Anno Domini
eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and on the thirtieth day
of March, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-
seven, respectively as above set forth.
Full force and
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said amendments
when so recorded, and all acts of the congregation
of said church heretofore done in pursuance of the
same, and all acts of the Trustees heretofore elected
in accordance with the provisions of said amend-
ments, shall have the same force and validity in all
respects which they would have had if the said
amendments had been duly acknowledged, certified
and recorded according to law, within six months
after the adoption of the same, respectively.
In force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved this 27th day of March, 1874.