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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2984   View pdf image (33K)
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the general purposes of education, or for charitable


purposes of any description within the said city, and


the said corporation may lease or otherwise dispose


of any property belonging to the city, having first


complied with the requirements of section twenty-


two of this article, and having afterward given pub-


lic notice of such proposed lease or sale in one or


more of the public newspapers of said city, at least


once a week for three successive weeks before such


lease or sale.


25. The city of Cumberland shall be divided into


six wards, bounded as follows : for the first ward all

Divided into

that portion of the city lying on the west side of


Wills Creek; beginning for the second ward at the


intersection of Bedford street with Wills Creek, and


running with said Creek to the north-westerly limits


of said city, and with said limits to the Cumberland


and Pennsylvania Railroad and with the centre of


said railroad to its intersection with Bedford street,


and with the centre of said Bedford street westwardly


to Wills Creek; beginning for the third ward at the


intersection of the Cumberland and Pennsylvania.


Railroad with Bedford street, and running north-


eastwardly with the centre of said Bedford street and


of the Bedford road to the north-eastern limits of

Meets and
bounds thereof

said city, and with said line to the north-western


limits of said city, and with said north-western limits


to the said Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad,


and with the centre of said railroad to the place of


beginning; the fourth ward shall comprise all that


portion of the city bounded on the west by Wills


Creek and contained within the centre of Bedford


street and the centre of Baltimore street, and the


Baltimore turnpike to the eastern limits of said city ;


beginning for the fifth ward at the intersection of


Baltimore street and Wills Creek and running with


the centre of Baltimore street and the Baltimore


turnpike, to the eastern limits of said city, and with


said eastern limits to the centre of the Williams road


and with the said road to the Baltimore and Ohio


Railroad, thence by a straight line with the centre


line of said Williams road extended, to the Potomac


River, and thence by said river and Wills Creek to


the place of beginning; the sixth ward shall com-


prise all that portion of the city south of the fifth


ward and east of the Potomac river.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2984   View pdf image (33K)
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