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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2983   View pdf image (33K)
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session, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled


"an act to repeal sections twenty-three, thirty- one,


thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-five, fifty-three, and


fifty-four, of the first article of the Code of Public


Local Laws and to re-enact the same with amend-


ments, and insert additional sections relating to the


charter of the city of Cumberland," be and the same


are hereby repealed, and the following sections en-


acted in lieu thereof:


22. The inhabitants of the city of Cumberland in


Allegany county, are a corporation by the name of


the "Mayor and City Council of Cumberland," and


by that name may sue and be sued, may have and use


a common seal, which may be altered at pleasure,


and may purchase and hold real, personal, and mixed


property, or dispose of the same for the benefit of


the said city ; provided, that the purchase, or alien-


ation of such real property, where the value thereof


shall exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, shall


first be submitted to the voters of said city, at a gen-


eral election for Mayor and members of the City


Council as provided by this act, after twenty days.


public notice, and a majority of the legal voters as-


senting thereto.


23. The survey last made under the authority of


the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Cum-


berland, and entered upon the record of their pro-


ceedings, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of


the Circuit Court for Allegany county, shall consti-


tute the bounds and limits of said city; provided,


however, that for all sanitary and police purposes


the Mayor and City Council shall have and exercise


full authority and control for one-half mile in every


direction beyond the bounds and limits above men-



Property and

24. The property and funds of every kind belong-


ing to or in possession of the city of Cumberland are


vested in the said corporation, and the said corpora-


tion may receive in rust, and may control for the


purposes of such trust, all money or other property


which may have been, or shall be bestowed upon


such corporation by will, deed, or in any other form


of gift or conveyance, in trust for any general corpo-


ration purpose, or in aid of the indigent poor, or for

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2983   View pdf image (33K)
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