such security therefor, either real or personal, as the
Board of Directors of said bank may deem sufficient;
may buy and sell bills of exchange, notes, bonds or
other securities; may accept and holdall such trusts
as shall or may be committed to it by any person or
by the order and direction of any judge, or any
court or tribunal ; may make such special regulations
in reference to trust, funds, and special or other
deposits as the Board of Directors may think ad-
visable; may purchase and hold such real and
personal estate and property as may be necessary for
the accommodation and transaction of its business;
Letters of credit
may issue letters of credit and other commercial
obligations, and generally may do and transact a
general banking business.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the Board of
Directors shall have power to regulate all matters
pertaining to special or trust deposits, the amounts
Powers of the
to be received at any time, and the manner in which
the same shall be received or paid, as the case may
be, and to make all needful regulations in that
behalf; provided, that the aggregate amount of said
special or trust deposits, shall not at any one time
exceed the capital stock of said bank.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That whenever any
deposit shall be made by a minor or married woman,
such deposits shall be received or held, and paid out
on precisely the same terms and conditions as those
of adult male or adult unmarried female depositors,
and the Directors of said bank may at their discretion,
pay to such minor or feme covert depositor, such sum or
sums of money as may be due to him or her, and the
check, receipt or acquittance of such minor or feme
covert shall be valid, any law of this State to the
contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That in all elections for
Directors of said bank, every stockholder shall be
entitled to one vote for every share that he, she, it
or they may hold, to the number of not exceeding
twenty shares, and to one vote for every additional
two shares ; a plurality of the votes cast shall be
sufficient to elect, and the stockholders may vote
either in person or by proxy, but no share of stock