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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2973   View pdf image (33K)
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shall entitle any holder to a vote, which shall not


have been holden two calender months previous to


the day of election.


SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty


of the Directors, to lay before the stockholders of said

Duties of the

corporation once in each year, at a general meeting,
for their information, an exact statement of the finan-


cial condition and affairs of the bank, of the debts


which shall have remained unpaid after the expiration


of the original credit, and the surplus profits, if any,


after deducting losses and dividends.


SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the Board of Direc-


tors shall cause to he furnished to the Treasurer of the


State, statements of the amount of the capital stock


of the corporation and of the debts due to, and from

Furnish state-

the same, specifying those due to, and from other


banks, of the moneys deposited therein, of the notes,


if any, in circulation, of the cash on hand, specifying


the amount of coin, and of notes of other banks, of


the value of the real estate held by the corporation,


and of the amount and value of public or other stocks


owned by the corporation ; said statements to be


furnished once in each year, and to show the condi-


tion of the corporation in the said particulars, as they


may appear at the close of the business transactions.


of the day, in settlement thereof, on the first Monday


of January; and the said corporation shall publish


said statement so made to the Treasurer, in one news-


paper, published in the town of Cambridge; such


statement in all cases to be verified by the oath or


affirmation of the President or Cashier of said corpo-




SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful'


for the said corporation to issue notes, usually denom-

Issue bank

inated, " bank notes," to an amount, not at any time


exceeding the amount of its capital stock, actually


paid in; and no note shall be issued, of a less amount


or denomination, than five dollars, nor of any amount


intermediate, between five and ten dollars, and the


General Assembly may at any time, restrict the issue


of such notes, both in the amount which may be


issued, and in the denomination of notes; but this


section shall not be construed as compulsory on said

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2973   View pdf image (33K)
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