county, Maryland; the term of service of said direc-
tors shall continue for one year, or until another
election, the directors thereafter, shall be elected an-
nually from amongst the stockholders, at such time and
place, and in such manner, as the by-laws of this corpo-
ratiou may direct; the directors for the time being, or
a majority of them, shall have the power to elect a
President from their own body, to fill all vacancies
that may occur in the Directors or Presidency, to ap-
point all such officers, agents, and servants as they
shall be deemed necessary to conduct or execute the
business of said corporation, to fix their compensa-
tion, and in their discretion to dismiss them, to take
bonds for and in the name of the corporation from
any or all of the officers, agents or servants, by them
so appointed, with security conditioned in such form
as they shall approve for the faithful discharge of the
duties of such officers, agents and servants, to secure
the said corporation from loss ; to invest the funds
of the corporation, and to do such other lawful acts,
touching the same, as they may deem beneficial and
proper; to pass all such by-laws as may be necessary
tor the exercise of the aforesaid powers, or any ot
the powers vested by this act in said corporation, and
the said by-laws to alter or repeal; provided, that all
such by-laws may be altered or repealed by a major-
ity of the stockholders at any annual or general
meeting, called in pursuance of the provisions of
this act ; and a majority of the stockholders may at
any such annual or general meeting, pass by-laws
which shall be binding on the President and Direc-
tors ; provided also, that such by-laws shall not be
contrary to any law of this State, or of the United
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That no stockholder,
unless he be a citizen of the State of Maryland, shall
be eligible as a Director or President of said corpora-
tion; and every President or Director as the case may
be, shall cease to be a Director or President upon his
ceasing to be a stockholder or a citizen of this State.
Coporate pow-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall have power to borrow money, receive money on
deposit, and pay interest thereon, and to loan money,
or to discount in accordance with bank usage, taking