article forty-one, of the Code of Public General Laws,
Addition to
title "Fish and Fisheries," sub-title" Patuxent," to
Gemini Laws
come in after section twenty -three of said article,
and be numbered sections, twenty-three A, twenty-
three B, twenty-three C, twenty-three D, twenty-
three E, and twenty-three F.
SEC. 23. A. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That no vessel, float, raft, or boat of any
description, unless compelled to do so by stress of
weather or other unavoidable accident, shall be an-
chored or stayed in the berth or haul of any regularly
Not to Anchor
hauled fishing shore in the Patuxent River, and
remain thus anchored for the space of half an hour,
when the weather will permit the departure of such
vessel, raft, float, or boat, after being warned to de-
part therefrom, by the owner or occupant of said
SEC. 23. B. And be it enacted, That any person
violating the preceding section shall pay to owner
Penally for
of said fishery a tine of twenty dollars for each offence,
and every hour the vessel, float, or boat, continues
after the half hour mentioned in the preceding
section, shall be considered a new and separate
SEC. 23. C. And be it enacted, That the captain or
owner of the vessel, float or boat referred to in the
two preceding sections, shall be liable to pay said
fine, and the vessel, float, or boat so anchored and
stayed as above mentioned, shall also be liable to be
seized and aold to pay any fines imposed under the
preceding sections.
SEC. 23. D. And be it enacted, That if any such
vessel, float or boat shall be willingly, wantonly and
maliciously or from gross negligence sailed through
any seine extended in any of said fisheries the skip-
Not to sail
per, captain, or other person commanding such ves-
sel, float, or boat shall pay to the owner or holder of
such seine not less than twenty, nor more than one
hundred dollars, at the discretion of the justice of
the peace trying the case.