5. On the first Monday of January annually, each
Tax on circu-
of the said corporations, shall pay or cause to be paid
to the Treasurer of the State of Maryland, the sum
lation of banks.
of twenty cents on every hundred dollars, of the issue
of notes then in actual circulation, which it shall be
lawful for the corporation to issue, as provided for in
the fifth article of the aforesaid act of eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-three, chapter four hundred and forty-
one, to be applied by the said Treasurer in aug-
mentation of the free school fund of the State, and in
case of the failure of any of the corporations to make
such payment for the space of six months after the
same shall have become payable, their charter shall
be forfeited and shall be deemed null and void as to
such corporation.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That section nine of said
Repealing and
act of eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter four
hundred and forty-one, entitled, " an act to continue
the corporate existence of the several banking insti-
tution therein mentioned," be and is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments so as to read as fol-
lows :
9. The continuance of the several corporations,
shall be on the condition that the stockholders of
each of said corporations, shall be liable to the amount
of their respective share, or shares of stock in such
corporations for all its debt and liabilities, upon
note, bill, or otherwise, and upon this further condi-
tion, that this act, and every part of it may be altered
from time to time, or repealed by the Legislature.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any and all acts, or
part of act, or acts, inconsistent with the provisions
of this act, be and are hereby repealed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage; provided, that the
In force
stockholders of each of said corporations, shall at a
general meeting called by the Board of Directors.
giving at least six weeks' notice assent to, and adopt
this act by the vote of a majority of the stock repre-
sented at such meeting in person or by proxy, which
assent and adoption shall be certified by a majority
of the Directors, under the seal of the respective cor-