AN ACT authorizing the Baltimore, Chesapeake,
and Delaware Bay Railroad Company, incorpo-
rated under the provisions of the act of the Gen-
eral Assembly of the State of Maryland, passed on
the fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and
seventy, chapter four hundred and seventy-six, to
charge such tolls on freight and passengers as
they may deem advisable and proper; to reduce
the par value of the capital stock to twenty-five
dollars per share; to establish its principal office,
in Baltimore City, to lease, buy and build wharves,
houses and shops, and to charter, purchase and hold
steamships, steamboats and barges for the business
and uses of its road; to provide for the condemna-
tion of land for the use of its railroad; to provide
for the construction of crossings and bridges along
said railroad, and keeping the same in repair;
prescribing penalties for injuries done to the said
railroad and its property; authorizing the said
company to unite, connect and consolidate with
the Baltimore, Chesapeake and Delaware Bay Rail-
road Company, incorporated by the Legislature of
Delaware, in March, eighteen hundred and seventy-
three, so as to make one company; to connect,
unite and consolidate with other Railroad Com-
panies in or out of this State; to lease out their
own road, and to lease and operate other railroads
in or out of this State; to issue mortgage bonds
with coupons attached, for the building, equipping
and maintaining their railroad, steamships, steam-
boats and barges, for such amount and on such
terms as may be deemed necessary and proper,
and to pledge the property of the said company,
and its franchises and rights, to secure and
pay said bonds; to reduce the number of direc-
tors in the said company, provide for the election
of the President thereof, and also of the officers of
the consolidated company, and to repeal all acts
inconsistent with this act.