AN ACT to lay out and establish a new election-
district in Somerset county, out of Lawson's
district number eight, and Smith's Island district
number seven, to be called Crisfield district,
or election district number seven.
New election
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new election district be laid out
and established out of Lawson's district number
eight, and Smith's Island district number seven .of
Somerset county, the said district to be known and
called by the name of Crisfield district, or election
district number seven.
Boundaries of.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the boundaries of
said new district shall be as follows all that district
in said county now known as Smith's Island or
election district number seven, and also all that part
of said Lawson's district south of the following line,
viz : Beginning at the mouth of Apes Hole Creek
on Pocomoke Sound ; thence by and with the
channel of said Creek to Apes Hole Bridge; thence
by and with the country road to Mariner's Church;
thence by a straight line to the mouth of a lane run-
ning between the lands of L. Dow Lawson and
William Davey near Jacksonville in said district;
thence by and with said lane to the little Annamessex
River ; thence by a straight iine to the mouth of Flat
Cap Creek.
Place of hold-
ing elections
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the place of holding
elections in said Crisfield district, or election district
number seven, shall be on the main land within the
corporate limits of the town of Crisfield; and the
place of holding election, in said Lawson's district, or
election district number eight, shall be at Hopewell
Station, on the Eastern Shore Railroad.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Govenor shall
appoint two justices of the peace, and one registrar
of voters for said Lawson's district, and four justices
of the peace, and one registrar of voters for said
Crisfield district.