certificates of debt shall bear interest at the rate of
six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually,
on the first day of January and July in each year,
and be redeemable in not less than ten, nor more
than fifteen years, at the pleasure of the State, and
which bonds or certificates shall not be sold for less
Proceeds of
than their par value, and the proceeds passed to the
sale of certifi-
credit of the said "Deaf and Dumb Asylum loan," and
the same are hereby appropriated for the purpose of
completing and furnishing the buildings of said
Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and the erection and fur-
nishing the wing and buildings mentioned in the
original plan; and the Treasurer of the State is
hereby directed to pay to the President and Board
of Visitors of, the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb
How to be paid
of the State of Maryland, on the warrant of the
Comptroller, the proceeds of the loan aforesaid, at
such times, and in such amounts, as may by them
be deemed necessary for the purposes of this act, or
the Treasurer may, instead thereof, issue to the said
President and Board of Visitors the said bonds or
•certificates of debt at not less than their par value.
20. A special tax of five-sixteenths of one cent on
Special tsx for
redemption of
every hundred dollars of taxable property within
this State is hereby levied to meet the interest and
create a sinking fund for the redemption of the
bonds or certificates of debt, herein directed to be
issued and the said tax shall be annually levied, col-
lected and be paid over to the State Treasurer until
the debt created by this act shall have been paid ;
And a separate and distinct account shall be kept
Separate and
thereof and the proceeds thereof are hereby pledged
distinct acco'nt
to the payment of the principal and interest on
to be kept
said bonds, or certificates of debt, and for that pur-
pose so much thereof as may be necessary shall first
be applied to the interest, and the balance invested
by the Treasurer in the bonds or certificates hereby
authorized to be issued or other bonds of this State.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved, February 26th, 1874.