and ninety six, of the acts of the assembly of eigh-
teen hundred and seventy-two, entitled "an act to
authorize the Comptroller of the Treasury to adjust
and settle the accounts due by collectors, sheriffs,
registers, and other receivers of public moneys, in
cases where the indebtedness accrued prior to and
including the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine,"
be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
so as to read as follows :
Comptroller to
1. The Comptroller of the Treasury is hereby au-
adjust and set-
tle accounts
thorized and empowered to adjust and settle the
claims of the State against all collectors, sheriffs,
clerks, registers, and other collectors or receivers of
public moneys, and their securities, in all cases,
where said claims accrued prior to, and including
the year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and
whether said claims be now in the form of judgments
or otherwise, and for the purpose of closing all such
cases, the Comptroller is hereby fully authorized to
compromise the same by abating the interest that
has accrued, or any portion thereof, or any part of
the principal debt, in his discretion, so as to best
subserve the interest of the State, and shall grant
discharges to the said parties, and their securities,
upon the payment into the Treasury of the amount
required by him to he paid in settlement as afore-
said, provided, however, that the Governor and
Treasurer lor the time being shall each approve in
writing of any such abatement belore the same shall
be effective, and, provided further, that no discharge
or acquittance under this act, shall be effective, un-
less the party or parties to be benefitted by the
same, shall first pay the State's attorney, who shall
have the case in hand, the legal fees, and all fees of
clerks or sheriffs.
In force
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the day of its passage.
Approved, 13th February, 1874.