AN ACT to authorize Henry C. Lay, Bishop of
the Diocese of Easton, as such in the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the United States of America,
his successors in office, and his and their assigns,
to hold a lot or parcel of land conveyed to him by
William Goldsborough and others, by deed dated
the thirty-first day of October, eighteen hundred
and seventy-three, for the uses and purposes de-
clared in the said deed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Sanction given
Maryland, That the sanction of the Genera] Assembly
to Henry C Law
to hol Actl
of Mun land be and is hereby given to Henry C. Lay,
Bishop of the Diocese of Easton, as such in the Pro-
testant and Episcopal Church in the United States of
America, Ins successors in office, and his, and their
assigns, to hold a lot, or parcel of land, conveyed to
him as Bishop, aforesaid, by William Goldsborough.
and others, by deed bearing date the thirty-first.day
of October, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-
three, for the uses and purposes declared in the said
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved, 13th February, 1874.