AN ACT to vest certain property therein mentioned
in the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Kent
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General Assem-
bly, that a Presbyterian Church has lately been or-
ganized in the village of Georgetown in Kent county,
and incorporated under the General Laws of this
State, under the corporate name of Westminster Pres-
byterian Church of Kent county, and whereas, a new
church building has been erected by said church on
a lot of ground in said village, whereon anciently a
Presbyterian Church stood, the said lot being bounded
on the East by King Street in said village, on the North
and West by the lands of John Jervis and on the
South by another street, the said lot having been
used as a burial ground for a time beyond the mem-
ory of man, and whereas, it is desirable that the said
Church property should be vested in the said corpo-
Title confirmed
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the title of the above mentioned and
described lot, with the church edifice thereon erected
shall be, and the same is hereby vested in and con-
firmed to the said Westminster Presbyterian Church
of Kent county, and to their successors forever, for
the uses, purposes and trusts set forth in said act of
Approved, 13th February, 1874.