timore, deceased, to the Trustees of the African
Methodist Episcopal Ebenezer Church of the City
of Baltimore, contained in the will of said Butler
on file, and of record in the office of the Register
of Wills for Baltimore city, provided, however, that
out of said bequest there be paid to the estate of
Henry Butler, the amount due on a note dated Oc-
tober sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, given in
behalf of the Trustees of said church, signed W. D.
W. Schureman, and others, to secure the loan of five
hundred dollars with interest; made by said Butler
in his life time to said church.
Approved February 13, 1874.
AN ACT authorizing and directing the State Libra-
rian to furnish from the State Library, for the use
of the Circuit Court for Garrett county, a full set
of the decisions of the Court of Appeals and of the
acts of Assembly and other books.
State Librarian
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
to furnish re-
Maryland, That the State Librarian, be and is here-
by authorized and directed to furnish from the copies
on hand in the Library, for the use of the Circuit
Court for Garrett county, a full set of the reports of
the decisions of the Court of Appeals, Evans' Practice,
Barroll's Chancery Practice, Eland's Chancery Re-
ports, Maryland Chancery Decisions, Digest of the
Decisions containing the Statutes of Maryland, and
Alexander's British Statutes, and copies of such other
books as are usually furnished to the Circuit Courts
for the several Counties of this State; provided, that
duplicate copies are retained for the use of the
Direction and
control of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the books to be fur-
nished, under the first section of this act, and all
other books, that have heretofore been furnished, or