sistent therewith, and the Acts of 1872, chapter 78, entitled
a supplement thereto, and chapter 387, entitled an Act to re-
peal and re-enact with amendments part thereof, and all other
supplements and amendments thereto, or to invalidate any
proceedings that may have been taken, or may be pending or
may hereafter be pending, or may hereafter be taken under
the provisions of said Acts or any supplements thereto; but
the said Acts and supplements, and every part thereof, and
including all rights of appeal and other rights created and
guaranteed thereby, and all officers' duties and powers now
existing and exercised, or hereafter to exist and be exercised
under and according to the provisions of said Acts and sup-
plements, shall continue in full force and effect until the next
session of the Legislature, when, if the said annexation shall
have been effected as required by this Act, proper provi-
sions shall be made by the Legislature for distributing equit-
ably between Baltimore county and the City of Baltimore, the
expenses which may have hitherto and hereafter be incurred
by the County Commissioners and the Street Commissioners
of Baltimore county in the execution of the aforesaid Acts and
supplements thereto.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the amend-
Mr. Keech demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
Bond, Merrill, Greenfield,
Colton, Grafton, McColgan,
Merritt, Lee, Harig,
Henkle, Riley, Joyce,
Robinson, McCosker, Groh,
Bird, T. H. Hamilton, Fenton,
Hawkins, Cooper, Berry,
Seth, C. E. Hamilton, Grimes,
Valliant, McWilliams, Clark,
Sudler, Foster, Fletchall,
Gordy, Stewart, of B. city, Wier,
Johnson, McAleese, Wack,
Hodson, Gill, Maclin,
Davis, Hart, Stewart, of How'd,
Thompson, Loane, Glotfelty—46.
Keech, Turner, of Cecil, Williams,
Buchanan, Mackey, Watkins,