FRIDAY, April 3rd, 1874.
The House met and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr. Kinzer.
Present at the call of the roll, the following members :
Messrs. Mines,(Speaker,) Colton, Henkle. Robinson, Bird,
Turner, of Calvert, Lancaster, Hawkins, Keech, Matthews,
Merryman, Turner, of Baltimore county, Banks, Seth,
Valliant, Coulbourn, Duer, Johnson, Hodsou, Turner, of
Cecil, Mackey, Davis, Robey, Thompson, Kemp, Merrill,
Koons, Miller, Lamar, Nicodemus, Annan, Riley, Williams,
McCosker, T. H. Hamilton, McWilliams, Foster, Stewart,
of Baltimore city, McAleese, Gill, Greenfield, Joyce, Grimes,
Stake, Clark, Wier, Wack, Park, Brace, Vanderford, Galt,
Brown, Maclin, Stewart, of Howard, Leonard, Bedsworth,
West, Glotfelty—58.
Mr. Leonard submitted the following
WHEREAS, Doubt exists of the propriety of any officer of the
State of Maryland receiving from any Railroad, Steamboat or
Vessel as public carriers, a free pass either for one year or
the fraction of a year.
And Whereas, Tt has become common for all the officers of
the State, from the Executive down, to receive from these
Railroads and Steamboats passes, and especially members of
the General Assembly, contrary to good policy and greatly
to the delay of the general business, and against the public
interest; therefore,
Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates, That from
and after the expiration of the privileges or passes now grant-
ed, it shall not be lawful for any Railroad or Steamboat to
issue any passes for one year, or the fraction of a year, to any
officer of the State of Maryland, either general or local, ex-
cept said officer shall be an officer in said Railroad or Steam-
boat Company.
And be it further Resolved, That the acceptance by any
officer of the State, either general or local, of such a pass,
shall be regarded as a violation of the provisions of these
Resolutions, and a virtual resignation and declension of the
office to which he has been elected or appointed ; and the
person or persons in whom is vested the authority to fill va-