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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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Which was read, assented to and sent to the House of Del-

On motion by Mr. Tuck, it was

Ordered, That so much of the Annual Message of the
Governor, as relates to the financial condition of the State,
the Executive Contingent Fund, and the disbursements for
furnishing the Executive Mansion, be referred to the consi-
deration of the Committee on Finance.

That so much as relates to the subject of Internal Improve-
ments, and the condition of the Canal and Railroad Com-
panies in the State, be referred to the Committee on Internal

That so much as relates to the subject of Crimes and Pun-
ishments, and the Maryland Penitentiary, be referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary.

That so much as relates to the Registration of Voters, Elec-
tions, and the prosecutions under the Act of Congress, com-
monly called the "Enforcement Act," be referred to the Com-
mittee on Elections.

That so much as relates to the Hospital for the Insane, at
Spring Grove, the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, the Blind
and Inebriate, and the Johns Hopkins Institutions, and the
Washington Cemetery, be referred to a Special Committee of
five members, to be appointed by the President.

That so much as relates to Education, Colleges, Academies
and Schools, be referred to the Committee on Education.

That so much as relates to the Oyster Laws, and the in-
crease of fish in the waters of the State, River and Harbor
Improvements, and a Ship Canal between the Chesapeake and
Delaware Bays, be referred to the Committee on the Chesa-
peake Bay and its Tributaries.

That so much, as recommends the appointment of a State
Board of Health, be referred to a Select Committee of five.

That so much as relates to the communications from the
Governors of Virginia and Louisiana, be referred to the Com-
mittee on Federal Relations.

Mr. Blake submitted the following message to the House
of Delegates:


January 14th, 1874.
Gentlemen of the House, of Delegates :
We propose, with the concurrence of your Honorable Body,


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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