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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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"Ordered, That the Secretary of the Senate advertise to re-
ceive bids to do the printing of the Senate for the present Ses-
sion, which shall be addressed to the Secretary of the Senate,
in ten days from this date, and opened by him in open Ses-
sion ; and that until said bids are opened and selection made,
the printing shall be done by Messrs. Iglehart & Co., at the
usual rates."

The said motion being adopted.

Mr. Earle offered the following amendment to said order.

Strike out "and opened by him in open Session," and in-
sert "to be delivered to the Committee on Printing."

Which was adopted.

The voter lien recurring upon the order as amended,

It was adopted.

On motion by .Mr. Walsh, it was

Ordered, That the Postmaster of the Senate, be and he is
hereby, required to furnish to each Senator, the same amount
of postage-stamps furnished at the last Session of the Senate,
and that the same amount be allowed to the Secretary ; and
that the Secretary have this order forthwith handed to the

Mr. Blake submitted the following order :

Ordered, That the Secretary of the Senate, cause to be
mailed to all newspapers in the State, the Senate Journal and
Reports, printed by order of the Senate.

Which was read and adopted.

Hon. R. C. Holliday, Secretary of State, appeared and de-
livered a communication from his Excellency, the Governor,
endorsed—"Executive Business."

The Clerk of the House of Delegates, appeared and deliv-
ered the following message, with accompanying Resolutions:


January 14th, 1874.
Gentlemen of the Senate:

We have adopted the accompanying Resolutions on that
part of the Message of his Excellency, the Governor, suggest-
ing that the statue of the late Chief Justice Taney, now lo-
cated in the Capitol Grounds, be formerly handed over to the
State by the Commissioners appointed under the Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, 1867, Chapter 71.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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