1874.] OF THE SENATE, 21
able site in front of the State House, have performed the du-
ties assigned them, as set forth in their report, submitted to
his Excellency, William Pinkney Whyte, on the 10th day of
December, 1872 ; and which said report has been transmitted
by him to this Body, as an accompanying Document with his
And whereas, It is proper and right that the services of so
good and great a man should be cherished and preserved in
the memories of our people, and kept before the youth of our
State, as eminently worthy their emulation.
Therefore, Be it Resolved, That this General Assembly of
Maryland, reposing high confidence in the ability and at-
tainments of e. Teakle Wallis, Esq., a son, of whom his State
is justly proud, respectfully request him to deliver an
oration on the life and character of the late Chief Justice
Taney, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, before
the two Houses of the Legislature, his Excellency, the Gov-
ernor, their Honors, of the Supreme Bench, and other high
dignitaries of the State, at such time as shall be most agree-
able and convenient to himself; and that a Committee of five,
two from the Senate and three from the House, be appointed
by the presiding officers of their respective Bodies, to present
their wishes, and carry this Resolution into effect.
Mr. Steiner presented a petition from Eobert H. Williams,
George Deihl, and one hundred and seventeen other citizens
of Frederick county, praying the passage of a law submitting
to the voters of the several Wards of Baltimore City, and the
Election Districts of the several counties, whether or not in-
toxicating liquors shall be sold in said Wards and Districts.
Which was referred to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-
Mr. Phelps presented a petition from sundry citizens of
Dorchester county, asking an appropriation, to enable the
Trustees of the Female Academy, in the town of Cambridge,
to enlarge their building.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Stevens presented the petition of Mary B. Waters, of
Baltimore City, a former pensioner of the War of 1812, ask-
ing that her name be restored to the Pension Rolls.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Pensions.
Mr. Earle moved to reconsider the vote by which the order,
offered by himself on Thursday last, was adopted, with ref-
erence to printing, as follows: