A bill entitled an Act to give and declare the sanction of
the General Assembly of Maryland to certain bequest, in the
last will and testament of Temperance Bradshaw, late of Kent
county, deceased, and in the codicils to said will.
A bill entitled an Act for the protection of fish, and for
the construction of fish-warps or ladders in the steams or
creeks of Montgomery county.
A bill entitled an Act granting the sanction of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland to the bequest of Hannah Horn,
late of Baltimore City, deceased, to the Maryland Conference
of the Methodist Protestant Church.
A bill entitled an Act to repeal section 94, of Article 1, of
the Code of Public Local laws, entitled "Alleagany County,"
sub-title "Justices of the Peace and Constables," and to re-
enact the same with amendments.
A bill entitled an Act to confirm an Act entitled an Act
to confirm an Act entitled an Act to declare the sanction of
the General Assembly of Maryland to the bequests of John
Coates, late of Baltimore City, deceased, to the Trustees of
the Methodist Protestant Church, corner of Lombard and
Green streets, in the City of Baltimore, passed at January
session, 1872, chapter 308, approved April 1st, 1872, and to
confirm and declare the sanction of the General Assembly of
Maryland to said bequests of said John Coates, deceased.
A bill entitled an Act to prevent the hunting of, catching,
trapping, capturing, taking, killing, or destroying in any
manner, terrapins or terrapins eggs, in Somerset county,
during the months of May, June, July and August,
A bill entitled an Act for the better regulation of public
roads in Wicomico county.
A bill entitled an Act for the relief of the Central Presby-
terian Church, of the City of Baltimore, to authorize the re-
cording of certain amendments to the original plan, agree-
ment and regulation for the incorporation of said church,