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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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1874.] OF THE SENATE. 19

Ordered, That the Committee on Internal Improvements,
inquire as to the railroad connections between the Cities of
Baltimore and New York, and Washington and New York,
with a view, if the Legislature has any power in the premi-
ses, to the adoption ,of such measures as may secure to the
public, through transportation of passengers and freight be-
tween those cities.

On motion by Mr. Davis,

Leave was granted to the Committee on Finance, to report
a bill relating to Auctioneers in Baltimore county.

Mr. Getty offered the following order :

Ordered, That so much of the Governor's Message as re-
lates to Garrett county, be referred to a Select Committee of

Which was read and adopted.

The President appointed Messrs. Getty, Aydelotte and
Tuck to constitute said Committee.

On motion by Mr. Steiner,

Leave was granted to the Committee on Education, to re-
port a bill, entitled, "An Act to repeal Sections 2 and 3, of
Chapter II., of an Act passed at the January Session, 1872,
Chapter 377, entitled, an Act to repeal an Act passed at the
January Session of 1870, entitled, an Act to repeal an Act
passed at January Session, 1868, entitled, Public Education,
providing a general system of Free Public Schools for the
State of Maryland, and to repeal all laws inconsistent there-
with, and to re-enact the same with amendments; and to
substitute in lieu of Sections 2 and 3, of Chapter II., the fol-
lowing : making the Boards of County Commissioners and
of District School Trustees elective by the people."

On motion by Mr. Tuck,

Leave was granted to the Committee on. Judicial Proceed-
ings to introduce a bill, to be entitled, " An authorize
the transfer of certain Land Records and extracts of deeds
from the office of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, to the
office of the Commissioner of the Land Office, to repeal Sec-
tion 40 of Article 18 of the Code of Public General Laws, and
to repeal Section 55 of the same Article, and to enact a sub-
stitute therefor."

On motion by Mr. Walsh,

Leave was granted to Messrs. Walsh, Longwell and Lloyd,
to introduce a bill authorizing the Board of County Commis-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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