Leave to Messrs. Steiner, Mudd and Brattan, to introduce
a bill, entitled " An Act to confirm and approve an Act of
the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at January Ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, Chapter ninety-
three, entitled an Act to authorize the County Commissioners
for Frederick county, to subscribe to the capital stock of the
Liberty, Johnsville and Pipe Creek Turnpike Road Company,
the Liberty and New Windsor Turnpike Road Company, the
Frederick and Buckeyestown Turnpike Road Company, in
Frederick county, and such other Turnpike Road Companies
whose roads have been constructed since the year eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, or are now in process of construc-
Mr, Steiner presented sundry certificates relating to the
publication in the newspapers of Frederick county, of Chaps.
4 and 93 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
of 1872, authorizing the County Commissioners for Frederick
county to subscribe to the capital stock of certain Turnpike
Road Companies in said county.
Which were referred to Messrs. Steiner, Brattan and Mudd.
The President laid before the Senate the following com-
munication from the Treasurer:
ANNAPOLIS, January 13th, 1874.
To the Honorable
The President of the Senate :
SIR:—In compliance with a requirement of the 4th Section
of Article 6th, of the Constitution, I have the honor herewith
to submit to, the Honorable Body, over which you preside,
true copies of all accounts rendered to and settled with the
Comptroller of the Treasury, from the 10th day of February,
1872, to the 30th day of September, 1872, inclusive, and also
for the fiscal year commencing October 1st, 1872, and ending
September 30th, 1873.
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Tour obedient servant,
Treasurer of Maryland.
[See Documents E.]
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
On motion by Mr. Tuck, it was