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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1077   View pdf image (33K)
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May 25.—Joseph Frankish, to reside in the city of Phila-
delphia, vice J. E. Carpenter, failed to qualify.

June 15.~ James M. Varnum. to reside in New York city,
vice William H. Russell, failed to qualify.

June 25. William H. Clarkson, to reside in New York city,
vice Joseph C. Lawrence, failed to qualify.

July 1. Warren G. Elliott, to reside in Norfolk, Virginia,
vice Benjamin B. Foster, failed to qualify.

July 12. Samuel A. Macallister, to reside in Wilmington,
Delaware, to fill vacancy.

July 56. J, Paul Diver, to reside in the city of Philadel-
phia, vice William H, Whitehead, failed to

Sept'r 4. Francis P. Burke, to reside in New York city,
vice J. C. Lawrence, failed to qualify.

Sept'r 4.-—John S. Rady, to reside in Richmond, Virginia,
vice John Johns, Jr., failed to qualify.

Nov. 26.—Frank Morrison, to reside in Boston, Massachu-
setts, vice Abraham Jackson, failed to qualify.

Oct. —Andrew W. Kent, to reside in New York city,
vice J. L. Starr, .failed to qualify.

Dec. 20.—John Henry Puhl, to reside in Wilmington, Dela-
ware, to fill vacancy.

Dec. 17.—Edward Goodman, to reside in Hartford, Connec-
ticut, vice N. E. Simmons, failed to qualify.

Dec. 20. — John R. Boas, to reside in St. Louis Missouri,
vies E. Silver, failed to qualify.


Jan. 29.—Jacob Duboise, to reside in New York city, vice
Sylvester Lay, failed to qualify.

Feb. 4.—Henry Reed, to reside in the city of Philadelphia,
vice John Hancock, failed to qualify.

Feb. 4.—Rufus K. McHarg, to reside in New York city,
vice James S. Graves, failed to qualify.

Feb. 7.—John C. Foster, Jr., to reside in New York city,
vice Jackson Jarvis, failed to qualify.

Feb. 28.—Edward J. Jones, to reside in Boston, Massachu-
setts, vice Samuel Jannison, failed to qualify.

March 4.—Lucius W. Horo, to reside in New York city, vice
Michael Phillips, failed to qualify.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1077   View pdf image (33K)
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