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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1078   View pdf image (33K)
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March 8.—Francis A. Osborn, to reside in the city of Phila-
delphia, vice John C. Uhle, failed to qualify.

March 11.—Edwin L. Abbott, to reside in the city of Phila-
delphia, vice Arthur W. Burton, failed to

March 15.—William McPherson, to reside in St. Louis, Mis-
souri, vice J. W. Inneranty, failed to qualify.

April 8.—H. P. Roche, to reside in the city of Philadelphia,
vice Jerome Carte, failed to qualify.

April 8.—J. E. Carpenter, to reside in the city of Phila-
delphia, vice E. D. Leclyard, failed to quality.

May 20.—J. Spencer Smith, to reside in the city of New
York, vice Franklin A. Smith, failed to quali-


April 25.—S. B. Goodale, to reside in the city of New York,
vice Thomas Sadler, failed to qualify.

Aug. 1.—J. Spencer Smith, to reside in the city of New
York, vice himself, failed to qualify.

Dec. 16.—Harold A. Bagley, to reside in the city of New
York, vice Thomas Sadler, resigned.

On motion by Mr. Davis,

The Senate advised and consented to the aforegoing ap-
pointments agreeably to the nominations.



Annapolis, January 14. 1874.
Gentlemen of the Senate of Maryland:

I nominate Ara P. Bowen, Justice of the Peace for the 4th
district of Worcester county, vice William L. P. Bowen, re-
moved from district.

On motion by Mr. Aydelott,

The Senate advised and consented to the aforegoing ap-
pointment agreeably to the nomination.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1078   View pdf image (33K)
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