CHAP. 90.
ings, shall determine to shut up the part of Johnson street
aforesaid, the determination shall be made in writing under
their hands and seals, and recorded among the land records
of Allegany county.
Authorised to bor-
row money
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
or a majority of them shall have full power and authority
to borrow, from time to time, such sum or sums of money
as they may conceive necessary, at an interest not exceed-
ing six per cent, per annum, in anticipation of the levies
To assign-
to be made under this law; and when so borrowed, the
money shall be applied by them in erecting said court house
and apartments; and to insure the payment of any money
borrowed by them, the said commissioners or a majority of
them, are hereby authorised to assign and transfer to the
lender or lenders thereof any part or parts of said assess-
ment and levies, to be annually collected as aforesaid, which
by virtue of said assignment, shall be for the use of said
tender or lenders.
See. 9. And be it enacted, That the commissioners or
Allegany county are hereby authorised, directed and requir-
ed to allow to the commissioners appointed by this act,
who attend to the duties assigned them, such reasonable
compensation as they or either of them may be entitled to
for punctual and extraordinary attention; and also to levy
the same for collection as other county charges are levied.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That this act nor any part
thereof shall have any force or effect until after the first of
February, eighteen hundred and thirty five.
Passed Feb. 27, 1834
A Supplement to an act, entitled, an act relating to the Jail
of Baltimore city and county, passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty one, chapter fifty eight.
Authority to pur-
chase and hold a
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Visitors of the jail of Baltimore city and county,
be and they are hereby authorised to purchase and
hold in fee simple, all that lot or parcel of ground situated
in the city of Baltimore, which is contained within the fol-
lowing metes and bounds, courses and distances, to wit:
Beginning for the same at the south west intersection of