CHAP. 89.
recorded in their respective offices, in the manner prescrib-
ed by the first section of this act.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the provisions of the
first and second sections of this act, shall not extend to
any clerk in whose office there may be such an alphabeti-
cal index, as is required by this act.
Passed Mar. 13, 1834
An act to provide for building a new court house in the town
of Cumberland, in Allegany county
Commissioners to
commit, &c.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That John Haye, John G. Hoffman, Burgees
Magruder, Jonathan Hendrixson, Henry Myers, Andrew
Brace, Richard Beall, William Harness and Martin Rizen,
Senior, of Allegany county, or a majority of them, shall be
and they are hereby appointed commissioners, with full
power and authority to contract for the building and entire
completion of or for all necessary materials for building a
Hew court house with suitable apartments for the court and
juries, clerk and register, of wills, in the town of Cumber-
land, in Allegany county: Provided, the same shall not ex-
ceed five thousand dollars in cost.
Directions given
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
of a majority of them, shall locate and cause said court
house with suitable apartments for the court and jury,
clerk and register of wills, to be built west of Wills' creek,
in the town of Cumberland, on some part of the public
grounds lying south of Washington street, being two of
the original four lots reserved by Thomas Bealle, of Samuel,
the original proprietor of the town of Cumberland, on the
west side of Wills' creek, for the purpose of erecting pub-
lic buildings in said county.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners for
Allegany county are hereby authorised, directed anil re-
quired to assess and levy on the assessable property of
said county, at the time of laying their next public levies,
the sum of one thousand dollars, and so continue annually
at their respective levy terms, to levy one thousand dollars.
for four successive years, in addition to the first levy as above
named, together with the collector's commission for col-
lection of the same, for the purpose of building and erect-