With an affidavit thereto attached, that the same is a true
and faithful list or lists of the said slaves so removed; and
that he or she hath not removed the same into the state for
the purpose of sale, and that they are slaves for life: and
CHAP. 88.
provided also, that the sum of fifteen dollars for each slave,
between the age of twelve and forty-five years of age, and
the sura of five dollars for each slave above the age of for-
ty-five, and under twelve years of age, so brought into the
State; shall be paid to the clerk of the county court at the
paste of giving such list, to be paid over by him to the
Treasurer of the western shore for the use and benefit of
the Colonization Society of the state.
Payment required
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That any thing in any previ-
ous act in any wise contrary to, or inconsistent with the
provisions of this act, be and the same is hereby repealed.
An act relating to the Records of conveyances in the several
counties in this State.
Passed Feb. 1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
land, That the clerks of the several county courts in
state, be and they are hereby required to make a full
and complete general alphabetical index, in a book or
books well bound for that purpose, of all deeds, mortgag-
es, bills of sale and other conveyance of record in their
respective officers; which index shall be both in the name
of each and all the grantors, bargainors, donors or mort-
gagors, and each and all the grantees, bargainees, donees
or mortgagees, and shall refer to the book and page of the
record of the several conveyances, designating the same.
Clerk to main in-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said clerks shall re-
ceive for making said record such sum as the levy courts
or county commissioners, as the case may be, of their re-
spective counties, may deem a fair compensation for
the making of the same; to be levied and collected as oth-
er county charges now are.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the several clerks, to keep up and continue the said record
of indexes; by noting at the time of recording said deed,
&c. on said record, the index of each and every deed,
mortgage, bill of sale or other conveyance, hereafter to be
Keep up said index