CHAP. 87.
linquent subscriber, the entire balance due on the stock by
him subscribed, by a judgment to be rendered before a jus-
tice of the peace of the county where he resides, in favour
of the said corporation; the same form of proceeding in
obtaining the said judgment, and enforcing the payment
thereof shall be used, as in cases of the recovery of small
debts out of court; provided, nothing herein contained shall
be so construed as to prevent either party from appealing
to the county court as is now allowed.
Sec, 6. And be it enacted, That no subscriber or stocky
holder, or member of said corporation or the Trustees
thereof, shall be answerable in his or their persons, or in-
dividual property for any of its contracts or engagements,
or for any losses, deficiencies or failures of the capital
stock of said corporation; but the whole of the capital
stock, together with all property, rights and credits, be-
longing to the said institution and nothing more, shall at all
times be answerable for the demands against it.
Passed Jan, 30, 1834
A further Supplement to an act, entitled, an act relating to
Free Negroes and Slave.
Persons so situated
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be lawful for any citizen of this
slate who has acquired or may hereafter acquire by mar-
riage or bequest, or in course of distribution in another
state, district or territory, any slave or slaves being slaves
for life, or any person or persons who reside, or may have
May introduce
resided, out of the state, and who may remove, or have re-
moved into the same, with a bona fide intention of becom-
ing a citizen thereof, to introduce into the state any slave
of slaves owned or so required by them; provided, the per-
son so removing, shall within thirty days after the removal
of such slave or slaves into the state, make affidavit before
some justice of the peace of the county into which he or
she may remote, and have the same filed in the office of
the clerk of the county court of said county, of his or her
Proviso— oath—list
and record
intention to become a citizen of the state: and provided
also, that the person so removing or acquiring, shall with-
in the time aforesaid, file with the said clerk, a list or lists
of the said slave or slaves so removed, stating their ages,