No. 92.
Resolution in favor of Edward Dubois, Nicholas H Green,
Louis Gassaway, jr. and Curran Karney.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to Edward Du-
bois, Nicholas H. Green, Louis Gassaway, jr. and Curran
Karney, clerks to this house, lour dollars each, for one
days attendance.
Passed Mar.15,1834
No. 93.
Resolution in favor of William McNier.
Passed Mar. 15.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to William Mc-
Nier, thirty dollars for work done since the close of the
Journal of accounts.
No. 94.
Resolution relative to the Maryland Hospital.
Passed Mar.15
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Maryland Hospital, and all the grounds thereto belong-
ing, be and the same are hereby directed to be surrender-
ed to and vested in the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, as its property and estate, for the purposes of a Lu-
natic Hospital or Asylum; Provided, the buildings of said
Hospital (save and except the western wing thereof,) be put
in thorough repair by the Mayor and City Council of Bal-
timore at its expense, and sufficiently furnished within eigh-
teen months from the time of the passage of this resolution.
And be it further resolved, That so soon within the peri-
od aforesaid, as the Governor and Council shall be satisfied
of said repairs and furnishing having been made, they shall
in such form and manner ss they may deem proper, cause
the said property to be conveyed to and vested as aforesaid,
in the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, to be used and
occupied as a Lunatic Hospital or Asylum, under the laws