Passed March, 1834
Resolution requiring the Visitors and Governors of Saint
John's College to be made the depository of the results
of all scientific researches by the Geologist, &c.
WHEREAS, it is highly interesting for the diffusion of in-
formation that the Visitors and Governors af Saint John's
College, should be made the depository of the results of
all scientific researches, that may be instituted at the in-
stance or under the patronage of the state — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall be the duty of the Geologist to report to the Visi-
tor's of Saint John's College, the result of any and every
analysis, that be may be required to make under the fourth
section of an act entitled, an act to provide for making a
new complete map and geological survey of this state, pas-
sed at the present session, and to accompany the same with
specimens of the several mineral substances or soils, so ana-
lyzed, and that he shall further deposite in like manner any
geological specimen that may be discovered in the execu-
tion of the duties assigned by said act, which he may con-
sider worthy of preservation, and the said Visitors and
Governors are hereby required to have all reports made as
aforesaid, recorded in a book to be provided for that ob-
ject; and the several mineral substances or soils so analysed
or discovered, to be carefully preserved in such place or
way as to them may seem best,
And be it further resolved, That the Geologist be, and he
is hereby required to set a part for and furnish also to the
other college of this state, all such geological specimens
as it may be practicable for him to furnish after appropria-
ting to Saint John's College the specimens mentioned in the
aforegoing resolution.