WHEREAS, by an act passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-two, chapter one hundred and
twenty-eight,it was provided by the third section thereof,that
all certificates of surveys of land made in Allegany county,
after the passage of said act, and returned to the land of-
fice of the Western Shore, shall be compounded on within
twelve months from the date of such certificate of survey,
or become null and void, and the laws therein contained, be
liable to be again taken up, as other vacant lands in said
county; AND WHEREAS, it appears that Samuel Pool had
surveyed and laid off a tract of land called Cannon, con-
taining eighty-one, and one-eighth acres of land in said
county and made return of the certificate, the time prescri-
bed by law having expired in October, eighteen hundred
and thirty-three, for the payment of the composition mo-
ney, hence the Treasurer of the Western Shore is prohi-
bited from receiving the same — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Samuel Pool, be, and he is hereby allowed further time to
compound on his certificate of survey,ca)led Cannon,contain-
ing eighty-one and one-eighth acres, until the fifteenth Feb-
ruary, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, any law to the con-
trary notwithstanding; provided nevertheless, that any rights
acquired to said land by any other person or persons, since
the issuing of said warrant, shall not be affected by this re-