places of broad stone at convenient points over the -said
streets or alleys; and the said Burgess and Commissioners
are hereby authorised and required annually hereafter to
CHAP. 272.
levy on all the taxable property in said town, in the same
manner, and at the same time, and to be collected in the
same way as other town taxes are levied and collected in
said town, a sum of money not excelling twenty-five cents
on every one bundled dollars worth of taxable property in
said town, to be set apart and expended from time to time,
under the direction of said Burgess and Commissioners,
exclusively on the objects provided for by this section;
Levy directed
Provided^ that nothing herein contained shall be construed
to prevent the application of the ut,ual levy or county tax
for the same purposes in aaid town, but that the same shall
be continued.
Sec. 2. And, be it enacted, That whenever a majority of
the property holders on any one street, or any one square
of a street in said town, shall determine to have said street
or square of a street macadamised, paved, gravelled or oth-
erwise improved, and shall certify the same in writing to
the said Burgess and Commissioners, together with the
proposed mode of improvement, it shall thereupon be the
duty of said Burgess and Commissioners, and they are here-
by required to cause the same with all convenient despatch
to be macadamised, paved, gravelled or otherwise improv-
ed as demanded by said majority of property holders, to-
gether with the necessary grading that may be previously
required to be done; and to pay for the same, the said Bur-
gess and Commissioners are hereby authorised and requir-
ed within sixty days after application made as aforesaid, to
levy upon all the property on said street or square of a street
Macadamizing —
paving, or grad-
ing; authorised on
an ad valor em tax, for such sum or sums of money as may
be found sufficient to pay for the said improvement, which
sum or sums thus levied shall be collected or deal rained
for, and paid to said Burgess and Commissioners, in the
same manner as the taxes of the town are collected under
the original act to which this a further supplement, and the
said improvements when finished shall be kept in repair as
is provided for by the first section of this act.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts
inconsistent with the provisions of this act shall be and the
same are hereby repealed.