CHAP. 272.
Bond— Road
bond to the state of Maryland, in the penal sum of four
thousand dollars, with security to be approved by the court
of Allegany county, for the faithful laying out to the build-
ing of said bridge of all monies that shall come into their
Treasurer W.Shore
to pay $1000
hands for that purpose, and the Treasurer of the Western
Shore is hereby directed and required to pay unto the said
commissioners, or their order, one thousand dollars out of
any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, on
receiving a certificate from the clerk of Allegany county
court, certifying that the security above mentioned had been
given, and it shall be the duty of said cleik to record said
bond in the clerk's office of Allegany county, for which he
shall receive such fee as is customary in such cases.
Accounts and set-
Sec 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said commissioners after finishing said bridge to report to
the commissioners of Allegany county, a faithful account
of the expenses of building the same, and in n hat manner
the money has been laid out, who shall upon being satisfied
of the fair disposition of the funds under the Controul of
commissioners for the purposes aforesaid, report the same
to the clerk of the county, thereby releasing and exonerat-
ing the said parties from all responsibility created by the
execution of said bond, and the said clerk to make record
of the same.
Passed Mar.15, 1834
An additional Supplement to an act entitled, an act to in-
corporate the Town of Williamsport, in Washington
county, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty three, chapter one hundred and twenty five.
Authority as to
streets, &c
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, the
Burgess and commissioners of Williamsport, in Washing-
ton county, shall have power, by ordinance, to keep the
streets and alleys of said Town in impair, and when- they
or a majority of them shall deem the same necessary or ex-
pedient, to direct and provide for he levelling and gradua-
ting the streets and alleys of said Town, or any of them in
whole or in part, and cause the same to be done, and also
to cause bridges or culverts to be made over the water
courses or hollows in said streets or alleys, and crossing