used in the state of Maryland, of electing in separate dis-
tricts of the state, one or at most two electors from eael
district, results in all cases of contest in giving a divided
vote to the candidates for the highest offices in the govern-
ment, and the majority of the citizens of Maryland are
thereby deprived of their just weight in the choice of the
Chief Magistrate, as compared with the majority of the
citizens of most of the other states; — Therefore,
CHAP. 261.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That on the first Monday of November, preceding
the time fixed by law of the United States for the choice of
President and Vice President of the United States, there
shall be elected by general ticket, as many electors of Presi-
dent and Vice President as this state shall be entitled to ap-
point, and each citizen of this state entitled to vote for de-
General ticket
legates to the general assembly, shall have a right to vote
for the whole number of electors, and the several persons to
the number required to be chosen, having the highest num-
ber of votes, shall be declared and deemed duly appointed
electors; but for as much as some of the persons voted for
as electors may have an equal number of votes, so as to
Qualified voters
defeat a choice between them — Be it enacted, That in
such case, the governor and council shall determine by lot,
which of the persons having such equal number of votes,
shall be electors, so as to complete the whole number to
which the state shall be entitled.
Case of tie— by lot
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in all other respects
than is hereinbefore provided for, the said election shall be
Election conducted
conducted, the returns thereof made in the same manner
as is provided for in the act to which this is a supple-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That upon the meeting of the
persons returned elected elector of President and Vice
President, as provided for by this act, or as many of the
said persons as may attend on the day appointed by the
constitution and laws of the United States, before proceed-
ing to perform the trust reposed in them, the place or plac-
es of any absent member or members may be supplied by
the members present, who shall have power to appoint the
samp, and the said person or persons when appointed and
qualified, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges
of those proclaimed by the executive authority of the state,
as duly elected electors oi President and Vice Presdent of
the United States.
Case of absence ol