CHAP, 256.
Passed Mar. 15, 1834
An act to Incorporate the American Life Insurance and Trust
SECTION. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William E. Mayhew, Patrick Macau-
lay, R. S. Steuart, J. T. Ducatel, William G. Harrison,
George Carey, J. J. Hoogewerff, and such others as may
become associated with them for that purpose are hereby
created a body politic and corporate, by the name and style
of the American Life Insurance and Trust Company, and
by that name and style, shall be capable of suing and being
sued, in any court of law and equity of this state, or the
United States; of purchasing, holding, improving or con-
veying any estate, real, personal or mixed; to make, have
and use a common seal, and the same to change or renew
at pleasure, and generally to do every other act or thing
necessary to carry into effect this act, or to promote the
object and design of this corporation, which may not be
inconsistent with the constitution or laws of this state, or
of the United States, and the said persons thus incorpora-
ted, are empowered and required to open books of sub-
scription to the stock of said company, at such time and
place as they may select, giving at least ten days public
notice by advertisement in two or more papers, published
in the city of Baltimore.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of this
corporation shall be one hundred thousand dollars, to be
divided into four thousand shares of twenty-five dollars
Payments on
each; the same to be paid in the manner following, two
dollars per share at the time of subscribing; three dollars
in ten days after the organisation of the company, the resi-
due in such manner as the President and Directors hereinaf-
ter provided for may prescribe, which said capital stock
May be Increased
may be increased from time to time at the discretion of said
President and Directors to five hundred thousand dollars,
in such manner as they may think proper, and it may be
lawful for any person to subscribe and hold stock in said
Personal estate
corporation and vote thereon, which said stock shall he
deemed and held as personal estate, and if any stockholder
Neglecting to pay
shall refuse or neglect to make the payments as required,
he or she shall cease to be a stockholder in said corpora-
tion, and his or her share, or shares may at the discretion
of the President and Directors be forfeited, and the same
may be sold by the corporation in any manner it may think