such resistance in 'the boatmen or others, shall be deemed
a misdemeanor against the laws of this state, presentable
by the grand jury of the county, whose officer is resisted,
and punishable in the county court, by fine and imprison-
ment, as other misdemeanors are punished; and other per-
sons than boatmen charged with resisting the sheriff, shall
be arrested by him, and carried before the justice, and
with the boatmen, shall be treated by the justice as all
other persons charged with being offenders against the
criminal laws of this state.
CHAP. 255.
Criminal proceed-
Sec. 7. And be it enaced, That if any person or persons,
shall obstruct the navigation of any of the creeks or ri-
vers of this state, by throwing into the waters thereof,
heaps of refuse in the process of picking the oysters for
market, they shall be liable to, and incur a penalty not ex-
ceeding the sum of five dollars for each and every offence,
to be recovered before a justice of the peace, one half
to go to the informer, and the other half to the state,
and the party offending shall stand committed until t{ie
said fine and all costs be paid.
Penalty for ob-
structing naviga-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the act, entitled, an act,
for the protection of the oysters in the waters of the east-
ern shore of this state, be and the same is hereby repealedj
with all the supplements to the same, and that all acts
heretofore passed on this subject inconsistent with or repug-
nant to the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby
repealed; Provided, such repeal, shall in no case be con-
strued to affect any suit or action now pending under the
provisions of the said act, and several supplements there-
Repealing dame
An act to regulate the Jail Fees, relative to Runaway Ne-
groes, in Prince George's county.
Passed Mar. 15,1834
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act the Sheriff of
Prince George's county, shall be entitled to demand and re-
ceive from the owner or owners of each runaway slave
committed to the Jail of said county for safe keeping, the
sum of twenty five cents per day, for furnishing the said
runaway slave or, slaves with necessary food and drink.
Allowance 25 cents