Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the stockholders shall
meet at such time and place as the three first named per-
sons in this act may appoint, due notice of the same being
given, for the election of a President and ten Directors,
each share being entitled to one vote, and a plurality of votes
being sufficient for an election, which President and Direc-
tors when so chosen shall continue in office until the third
CHAP, 256.
Election of P. and
Monday in March, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, on
which said third Monday in March, and on the third Mon-
day in March of each and every year thereafter, there shall
be an election for President and Directors, and if it should
so happen that the stockholders should omit to elect a Pre-
sident and Directors on the third Monday in March, in any
year from and after the passage of this set, then and in such
case it may be lawful for the stockholders to make said
election on some other day, and the President and Direc-
Annual election
tors heretofore in office shall continue therein until such
new election takes place: and in case of death, resignation,
disqualification, or refusal to act, of any President and Di-
rector it shall be in the power of the remainder to fill up
the vacancy occasioned thereby; and the said President
and Directors so chosen shall have power and authority to
appoint all such officers, agents and servants, as they shall
deem necessary to conduct or execute the business and af-
fairs of the corporation; to fix their compensation, and in
their discretion to dismiss them, to provide for taking of
bonds to the corporation from all or any such officers,agents
and servants by them appointed, with security conditioned
in such form as they shall prescribe, for the faithful dis-
charge of their trusts and duties, and to secure the corpo-
ration from loss.
Powers vented
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the President and Di-
rectors shall have power to receive endowments of per-
sonal or mixed property for a term of years in trust, to
grant annuities, to contract for reversionary payments, to
receive from any free person any deposite or deposites of
money in trust, to make all kinds of contracts in which the
casualties of life and interest of money are involved, and
to provide for the investment of the funds of the company
in such stock and mortgages, other than mere choses in ac-
tion, in such manner as they shall deem most safe and ben-
eficial; they shall have power to fix the places, and mode
of transfer of certificates of stock, and payment of inter-
est, and generally to pass all such by laws as may be ne-
cessary to carry this law into effect, not contrary to the
General powers.